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Comfort Trail harness SPACE INVADERS

Comfort Trail harness SPACE INVADERS

Regular price €31,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €31,95 EUR
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Harness size

Introducing the COMFORT TRAIL harnesses! Specially designed for medium and large dogs, they are made from durable materials perfect for any adventure.


- Adjustable straps on neck and chest
- High quality metal rings on front and back
- With padded neoprene covered rear grab handle
- 3 locking buckles, including a safety locking buckle at the neck, to prevent the harness from going over the head
- Reflective trim for increased visibility in low light conditions
- Breathable mesh lined interior
- Matching accessories available
- Exclusive PiggyDex design


  • You can take your neck and chest measurements with a tape measure.
  • Measure your neck at the approximate level where you would place any collar.
  • Measure the chest behind the legs, at the widest part of the thorax.
  • We always recommend measuring leaving room to fit two fingers between the tape measure and the dog, this will make it more comfortable.

If you have any questions about sizes you can write to us through the Chat on the website, send us an email to or through our Instagram @piggydex and we will be happy to help you.

Instrucciones de cuidado

- Se recomienda lavado en agua tibia con jabón neutro o específico de lavado a mano. Dejar a remojo y repasar las zonas más sucias.
- También se puede lavar en lavadora con temperatura máxima a 30º
- Colgar y dejar secar al aire. Evitar meter en secadora.

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